Wednesday, December 27, 2017

Punjab Govt Pooled B.Tech 2018 drive to be held at SBSSTC , Ferozepur on 18th and 19th Jan 2018

Name of the Company: WIPRO
Qualification: BE/B Tech
Year of Passing: 2018
Gaps: Maximum 3 years
Backlogs: No backlogs
Streams: CS/IT, Circuital(Electrical, Electronics, Instrumentation), Mechanical/Automobile/Production
Eligibility: 10th – 60%       12th – 60%          UG   - 65%**
Selection Process: 
Online Assessment(Verbal, Analytical, Coding, Written communication test) =>> Technical Interview =>> HR Interview

Participating Colleges:
1. SBSSTC, Ferozepur
2. BCET, Gurdaspur
3. GZS CCET, Bathinda
4. MIMIT, Malout
5. BHSBIET, Lehragaga.

All the Eligible students of the above mentioned Punjab Govt. Engineering colleges are requested to  Register by clicking on the following Link:

The last date of Registration is 16 Jan 2018. No Student would be entertained after that.

Some important guidelines while registering are as follows:
v  Complete the registration through desktop/laptop only ( Kindly ensure smart phones are not used for this purpose )
v  In the SSLC Marksheet Registration Number column , write the 10th class roll no.
v  If the field is not applicable write NA in the respective field.
v  Students those who don’t have the last name , please write NA in last name field
v  Once the form is filled please save and ensure the profile percentage on the top of registration page is 100% and then only go for submission

Please ensure the registration completes 2 days prior to the event
**Please note in case of CGPA Marks, 65% should be met as per the conversion norms of the Board/ University (6.5 CGPA will not be considered as 65%)

SYLLABUS: (Important Topics)

Data Structure Concepts

  Array and Matrices
1D array
Array Rotations
Arrangement and rearrangement of elements of array
Properties of matrices
Strassen’s algorithm for matrix multiplication
Inverting matrices
Transpose of the matrix

                Linked list
Basic operations on linked list
Circular linked list
Doubly linked list

Binary Tree
Binary Search tree
n-ary Tree

Basic graph concepts
Undirected graph, directed graph
Minimum Spanning tree
Shortest path algorithm
Topological sort
Connectivity in the graph
String processing and manipulation
Basic string operations
Pattern searching

Basic stack operations
Basic queue operations
Application of stack
Application of queue

 Sorting and Searching
linear and binary search
various sorting concepts

Advanced Design and Analysis Techniques

Dynamic Programming
Overlapping Subproblems Property
Optimal Substructure Property
Longest Common Subsequence
Longest Common Substring
Optimal binary search trees
Matrix-chain multiplication
0 1 knapsack

 Greedy Algorithms
activity-selection problem
Huffman codes
task-scheduling problem
fractional knapsack

Minimum Spanning Trees

Shortest Paths Algorithms
Bellman-Ford algorithm
Single-source shortest paths in directed acyclic graphs
Dijkstra’s algorithm
Johnson’s algorithm

      String Matching
The naive string-matching algorithm
The Rabin-Karp algorithm
Knuth-Morris-Pratt algorithm
Manacher algorithm

Divide and Conquer
Sorting algorithms
Binary Search

Disjoint Sets
Disjoint-set operations
Disjoint-set forests

Computational Geometry
Line-segment properties
Intersection of line segment
Finding the convex hull
Closest pair of points